Private University Admission

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science & Technology University

Gopalganj Town Road, Gopalganj-8100, Bangladesh

Engineering Faculty
  1. Computer Science and Engineering
  2. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  3. Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
  4. Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
  5. Civil Engineering
  6. Food and Agroprocess Engineering
  7. Architecture
Social Science Faculty
  1. Sociology
  2. Public Administration
  3. International Relations
  4. Economics
  5. Political Science
Science Faculty
  1. Mathematics
  2. Statistics
  3. Chemistry
  4. Physics
  5. Environmental Science & Disaster Management
Business Studies Faculty
  1. Management Studies
  2. Accounting and Information Systems
  3. Marketing
  4. Finance and Banking
  5. Tourism and Hospitality Management
Life Science Faculty
  1. Pharmacy
  2. Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
  3. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  4. Psychology
  5. Botany
Law Faculty
  1. Law
Humanities Faculty
  1. English
  2. Bangla
  1. Bangabandhu Institute of Liberation War and Bangladesh Studies
  2. Sheikh Hasina Agriculture Institute
  3. Sheikh Hasina Institute of ICT

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UGC & Govt. অনুমোদিত Presidency University (PU) ঢাকায় ব্যাচেলর প্রোগ্রাম- BSc in EEE, CSE, Civil Engineering, Economics, BA in English, BBA এবং মাস্টার্স প্রোগ্রাম- MBA, EMBA, MA in ELT, MSS in Economics-এ ৫০%- ১০০% স্কলারশীপে ভর্তি চলছে। তাছাড়াও সকল প্রোগ্রামের ভর্তি ফি-তে ৫০% ছাড় সুবিধা প্রযোজ্য। বিস্তারিত: 01766554433,