Private University Admission

Barisal University

Karnakathi, Barisal Sadar, Barisal, Bangladesh

Faculty of Science and Engineering
  1. Mathematics
  2. Computer Science & Engineering
  3. Chemistry
  4. Physics
  5. Geology and Mining
  6. Statistics
Faculty of Bio-Sciences
  1. Soil and Environmental Sciences
  2. Botany
  3. Coastal Studies and Disaster Management
  4. Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Faculty of Business Studies
  1. Management Studies
  2. Accounting and Information Systems
  3. Marketing
  4. Finance and Banking
Faculty of Social Sciences
  1. Economics
  2. Political Science
  3. Sociology
  4. Public Administration
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
  1. Bangla
  2. English
  3. Philosophy
  4. Mass Communication & Journalism
  5. History and Civilization
Faculty of Law
  1. Law

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UGC & Govt. অনুমোদিত Presidency University (PU) ঢাকায় ব্যাচেলর প্রোগ্রাম- BSc in EEE, CSE, Civil Engineering, Economics, BA in English, BBA এবং মাস্টার্স প্রোগ্রাম- MBA, EMBA, MA in ELT, MSS in Economics-এ ৫০%- ১০০% স্কলারশীপে ভর্তি চলছে। তাছাড়াও সকল প্রোগ্রামের ভর্তি ফি-তে ৫০% ছাড় সুবিধা প্রযোজ্য। বিস্তারিত: 01766554433,